10 ways to make your engagement ring look more expensive

An engagement ring is a special piece of jewelry that should be chosen with special care and reverence. Usually, an engagement ring is a rather expensive piece of jewelry, which often becomes a family heirloom in the future. To find the perfect ring, for example, it is not necessary to choose the most expensive stone or metal. In this article, we'll tell you a few ways you can make your ring look expensive without having to spend several of your paychecks to buy it.


If you would like something unusual, you should take a look at the stones with different optical effects, such as stones that change color, alexandrite, stones with a star effect, or a cat's eye. Such a choice will surprise your loved one.

1. Elegant Rings 

Massive rings do not always adorn a girl; often they look ridiculous. In addition, it happens that it is uncomfortable to wear such rings. We consider a slim ring that won't catch the eye immediately to be a good substitute. It will be modest, but very beautiful jewelry, which can be worn at any time. Also, such rings help to save a lot of money, because they do not require a lot of metal.


2. Metal 

There is a belief that an engagement ring should be made of gold. However, this is not the case, a silver ring is perfect as well. High-quality silver may not oxidize for a very long time and with proper care, this may not happen at all. Also, due to the lower price of silver, you can afford to buy an elaborate designer piece rather than a generic stone ring.

To keep your silver looking dignified for as long as possible, you can additionally coat it with white rhodium. You can also choose an oxidized ring that already has darkened parts.

3. Choosing a semi-precious stone

In modern times, people are already moving away from the stereotypes that relate to the fact that the ring should be exclusive to a diamond. Not necessarily at all. You can choose a ring with a semi-precious stone, which will be just as good. There are many amazing minerals, each of which is special. You can find a stone of any color among them, which opens a huge variety of choice.

Also, many semi-precious stones have great physical properties, such as having high hardness, changing color depending on light, etc.

4. The Diamond's Performance

If you are still inclined towards tradition and would like to buy a diamond ring, then you should know a few important points that will help you not to spend more than planned.You should be aware of the rules of choosing diamonds. These are established criteria that help determine the price of a stone. These criteria include:

- size
- color
- clarity
- cut

When choosing a stone, you can sacrifice one or more criteria, which will still make the stone look great. For example, you can buy a clear stone that is large enough but will have small inclusions. Remember, it will be very expensive to choose a stone that is perfect for all criteria.

5. Fixing the stone

The way your stone is set directly affects the overall impression of the ring. The setting should not be too rough with large prongs, otherwise, it will spoil the look of even the most beautiful stone. Also, don't forget that the quality of the stone will affect the preservation of the whole ring. 

6. Appropriateness of the ring and stone 

For engagement rings, the attitude “the bigger and higher the stone, the better” doesn’t always work. On the contrary, such a combination often spoils the appearance of the ring. In addition, it can be uncomfortable to wear. Try to choose a ring that looks organic and proportionate – and don’t forget about comfort. 

7. Appropriate Style

Nothing will beautify a girl more than a ring that fits her style. If the ring fits well in style and blends well with other jewelry, it multiplies the impression of the ring. Therefore, it is important to choose a ring that will complement the image and not contradict it.

8. Appropriateness to size

You can buy the perfect ring, but if it does not match the size, it will spoil the impression. It's best to know your ring size in advance to avoid any missteps. The ring should sit on the finger well, not squeeze it and not "dangle". In this case, it will look great.

9. The quality of the mineral in the ring

If you choose a semi-precious or precious stone for the ring, it is worth taking care of the quality of the stone. First of all, it is important to make sure that the mineral is of natural origin. Secondly, you should choose a quality mineral with minimal inclusions. It is important to choose the mineral responsibly so that it is "the right" stone.

10. The shape of the stone

Sometimes to make a ring seem more expensive, it is worth considering unusual solutions. Try ditching the standard round shape of the stone in favor of an interesting one, such as a marquise or oval. This will give the ring a special look. 

You don't have to spend a huge amount to get the perfect ring. The main thing is to be thoughtful about all aspects of choosing a ring and take into account all the details. Then you'll be sure to find the best ring.

Kindly note that healing gemstone meanings are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

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