Crystals for Anxiety and Stress

Stress and anxiety are problems that almost everyone faces all the time. We are surrounded by an information field that brings not only positive news. Moreover, there are personal problems and the difficulties of relationships with people. All of this makes us feel stressed and anxious from time to time. And it is very important to learn how to cope with these states. Everyone has their own methods of dealing with stress and anxiety. The minerals can be an excellent remedy, because this method has long been used in Oriental medicine, its effectiveness has been verified by many people from all over the world. 


The gemstones for anxiety and stress are Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Moonstone, Blue Agate, Sodalite, Kyanite. 



The purple amethyst stone is one of the most famous minerals that allow you to relax your mind and understand exactly what is bothering you. And after understanding the true causes of anxiety, the mineral helps to reduce it and find peace.


The delicate mineral rose quartz not only attracts love but also soothes and heals the heart with its vibrations. The mineral reminds us to stop and listen to ourselves in times of stress, to understand that we need to love ourselves and take care of ourselves. Rose Quartz is especially effective in helping to deal with anxiety caused by relationship problems.


Citrine controls one's energy level, helping one not to succumb to melancholy. This stone is especially potent when one is stressed by financial difficulties. It helps to solve problems quickly and not get stuck in negative situations. The stone also works with confidence, which affects stress tolerance. 

Reveal Jewelry with Gemstones For Anxiety and Stress

Magical Jewelry with Crystals that balance your mind and sould.

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Moonstone has an amazing ability to calm emotions caused by stress. The stone allows you to look at a situation from a different angle and find the right solution while remaining calm. The stone helps to restore hormonal balance, which actively influences your reaction to stressful situations.


The delicate blue agate with its lacy lines even at a single glance makes you feel calm and peaceful. The stone has a special effect on a person in situations caused by misunderstandings and communication problems. The stone also helps to get rid of fears and old worries, which undoubtedly gives strength and opportunities to realize oneself and one's potential. 


Sodalite is known for its ability to calm panic attacks. It also helps one not to give in to emotional outbursts; it allows one to remain calm and confident in one's abilities. This will also relieve fears and unnecessary stress, which is another important property of sodalite. 


Kyanite is one of the best stones for getting rid of anxiety. It blocks out negative emotions, allowing one not to concentrate on them. It has even been called a symbol of spiritual well-being. The mineral aligns the chakras and makes a person ready for anything that fate presents to them. Thus, a person reacts more calmly and resolves difficulties more quickly.


Jewelry with Citrine, Quartz, Tiger's Eye, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli


Knowing which minerals help to get rid of stress and anxiety, you may wonder, but how to use them?

First of all, we recommend carrying the stone with you in the form of jewelry or simply putting it in your bag or on your desk.

You can also use crystals for meditation. Take the crystal and place it on that energy center – the chakra that is most vulnerable during times of stress. Try to relax and immerse yourself in meditation. The mineral will affect you and align the chakra, freeing you from anxiety.

Don't forget that minerals can accumulate negative energy in themselves, so you need to cleanse and recharge them at least once a month.

To clean the stone, you must hold it in running water. Water is the best remedy for cleansing from negative energy. In this case, the water must be live: spring, river, or melted water. It is not recommended to use tap water. Your stone should be put in a container with water for a few hours, and then you have to gently remove it and leave for a few days.

To charge the mineral, it is recommended to put it under the moonlight for one or three nights during a full moon. This way the stone will recharge and continue to help you.


Stress and anxiety prevent you from living fully and enjoying every moment, so you must learn to cope with these energy-consuming states. Minerals can significantly help you in this. But do not forget that they are not the only ones who can influence whether you can effectively fight stress or not. After all, it all depends on your mood and desire.

Kindly note that healing gemstone meanings are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

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