Which finger is best for the Moonstone ring
Before buying a moonstone ring, many people are faced with the difficulty of choice: which finger is better to wear the ring on? If it is not an engagement ring, there can be quite a few options. In this article, we will talk about the different meanings and options.

Moonstone is ideal to wear on the ring finger of the left hand, as this finger is believed to translate earth and water energy.
Features of Moonstone
Moonstone is a relatively soft stone; its hardness has an average value of 6-6.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale, so it is better to wear rings on the hand that is less exposed. For example, it is better to wear the ring on the right hand for left-handed people and on the left hand for right-handed people. However, this is not a strict rule, it all depends on the accuracy and your sphere of activity. You should avoid damaging the stone, hitting or touching hard surfaces. It is also advisable to remove the ring every time you bathe in water, play sports or do manual labor.

On which finger is better to wear a ring with a moonstone?
An engagement ring should be worn on the ring finger. Such a ring will promote tranquility and will enhance a woman's energy and intuition. This is the perfect choice of stone for an engagement ring, as moonstone is suitable for every woman.In addition, the moonstone is ideal to wear on the ring finger of the left hand, as this finger is believed to translate earth and water energy. At the same time, the left hand has a special connection to a person's subconscious. This is what helps the properties of the moonstone to work more effectively.
We will also consider other options:
1. On the index finger
The index finger symbolizes strength and leadership, wisdom, and spirituality. In this case, the ring will actively work, affecting these very qualities.
2. On the middle finger
Wearing a ring on this finger helps restore the balance of life, and also helps to better navigate difficult situations.
3. On the thumb
The thumb symbolizes strong-willed qualities. It is recommended to wear a ring with a moonstone on the thumb if you are striving for changes in your life.
4. On the little finger
The little finger represents relationships in life, so a ring with a moonstone is recommended to wear on the little finger if you are working on building relationships with people.
5. On the ring finger
This finger is ideal for wearing a moonstone ring. This finger symbolizes love and joyful feelings.
On what finger to wear a moonstone according to astrology?
Vedic astrology indicates that the moonstone is represented by the moon. According to this teaching, a ring with a moonstone is favorable to wear on the little finger of the right hand. There is also a belief that the left hand is associated with the subconscious and the right hand with the consciousness. Therefore, wearing a moonstone ring on your left hand develops your subconscious mind, and wearing a ring on your left hand helps to develop your consciousness.

Manifestation of the healing properties of the moonstone
Moonstone is a treasure trove of beneficial properties that help heal the body and soul. It is worth noting that the stone can more actively manifest its properties depending on which finger it is located.
1. Index finger
On this finger, the moonstone works hard to improve liver and stomach function, as well as favorably affecting the respiratory system.
2. Middle finger
Moonstone in this case affects the work of the brain, and the central nervous system, as well as helping to cope with bone disease.
3. Ring finger
Moonstone on this finger affects the circulatory system, and cardiovascular system, it also helps to cope with vision and stomach problems.
4. Thumb
A moonstone ring on the thumb helps relieve fevers, and muscle aches promote healing of ulcers, and also helps with the reproductive system.
5. Pinkie
In this case, moonstone combats unnecessary anxiety and also helps to improve memory.
Moonstone is an amazing mineral that has a huge number of beneficial properties that can greatly improve the quality of life. This stone will be active and beneficial to the body and mind, to the conscious and unconscious regardless of which finger you wear it on. Trust your gut, and then you will feel all the power of this mineral. Read our article Moonstone Meaning by Color - White, Silver, Blue, Peach, and More
Kindly note that healing gemstone meanings are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

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