Understanding Amethyst Energy And Its Applications
Amethyst is the most expensive variety of quartz and comes in purple, lilac and violet-blue colors. Amethyst is called the stone of peace and sincerity and is said to heal the soul and calm the nerves. And impressive start, but these are not all of the properties you can find in amethyst. Let’s take a look at what properties amethyst energy contains.

Amethyst is considered to be the birthstone of “spirituality.” The mineral carries the energy of fire, passion, creativity, and spirituality, while also possessing the energy of moderation.
Amethyst is considered to be the birthstone of “spirituality.” The mineral carries the energy of fire, passion, creativity, and spirituality, while also possessing the energy of moderation.
In ancient Greek, the name amethyst means "inebriating" and amethyst itself was considered a stone that protected its owner from alcohol addiction.
Amethyst has long been considered a stone of wisdom and humility. It helps its owner to accept the knowledge of eternal existence, and to see into the deep experiences of one's own soul.
Considered a stone of spiritual protection and purification. Through purifying the energy field of negative influences, it can serve as a barrier against psychic influence and a negative environment.

Amethyst affects the frontal chakra, the Third Eye chakra, which is the center of our perception. It is responsible for our vision and awareness of everyday life. Amethyst aligns this chakra and helps us to approach life situations consciously.
Amethyst also affects the crown chakra, which governs us and our thoughts, the way we respond to the world around us. An imbalance in the crown chakra is treated with light purple crystals, one of which is amethyst. When applied to the crown chakra, it brings calm so that you may focus on healing any challenges you face.
Amethyst is excellent for meditation. The color of amethyst stimulates a higher vibration of the frontal chakra, and through placing amethyst directly over this area can lead to a meditative state that guides the mind toward self-understanding.
Amethyst is recognized as the birthstone of February. For people born in February, amethyst can become a real support and talisman that will protect and preserve.
According to experts, amethyst also brings optimism, decorating life with happy moments, and helping one to steer towards prosperity and well-being.
It is worth noting that amethyst is also a stone for those born when the old year is waning, and the new one is approaching (from November 21 to December 20). For such people, amethyst will be useful in self-knowledge, awareness of one's purpose, and the development of creative abilities.
Amethyst has positive influences on diplomats and businessmen, those who require regular communication with others. Helping to encourage and attract people, whilst protecting them from negative influence.
People of creative professions will also like amethyst crystal. It helps to maintain a positive attitude, as well as to combat apathy and a loss of creative inspiration.
Amethyst has a strong healing and cleansing effect. For centuries it has been highly prized for its stunning beauty and properties. Even now, it has never ceased to be popular and coveted. You will immediately feel peace of mind simply by witnessing this awe inspiring crystal.
Kindly note that healing gemstone meanings are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
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