Jewelry as Pieces of Art
Ammolite meaning

Ammolite is the mother-of-pearl layer from the ancient sea shellfish Ammonites that inhabited the Earth about 300 million years ago!
The formation of Ammolite is linked to changes in ocean boundaries and volcanic activity, which have resulted in colonies of ancient Ammonite molluscs being buried under a layer of ash and rock.
Now, it is one of the rarest rocks on earth. According to the most common beliefs of mineralogists, Ammolite was named after the Egyptian sun god. Ammolite can be translated literally as 'Amon stone'.
Ammolite can shimmer in several shades of the same color or dozens of different colours at once, and the wider the colour palette, the higher the value of the Ammolite.
This stone is considered the most valuable stone of organic origin, which also includes Amber and Pearl.
It is worth saying that Ammolites are quite brittle and have a hardness of only 4.5-5 on the Mohs scale, so they are usually reinforced with an additional layer of resin, glass, or quartz in the manufacturing process of products.
Ammolite has stunning properties:
• The stone is used to improve blood quality and treat hair and skin diseases.
• The stone can help with depression and stressful conditions.
• Ammolites are associated with the water element, which is why the stone is particularly beneficial for sailors and travelers.
• The stone promotes self-education, personal development, and the desire for new knowledge.
• It 'repels' any negative vibrations from the owner.
• Ammolite relaxes, it puts your thoughts in order, and helps you make decisions not through emotion, but with a healthy mind.
Kindly note that healing gemstone meanings are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
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