Gemstone identification guide:

Most Popular Gems Varieties With Pictures

Nowadays there is a huge number of stones, and each of them has distinctive features and characteristics that are interesting and attractive to people. We have compiled a list of gemstones with pictures in this article, and we will talk about what exactly attracts people, as well as telling gemstones from one another.


Nowadays there is a huge number of stones, and each of them has distinctive features and characteristics that are interesting and attractive to people.


Amber is a unique stone, a guardian of time, embodying in myths and legends the precious tears of the gods and the bright light of the Sun. The stone is interesting because of its origin: it is a petrified resin of coniferous trees, 40 to 50 million years old. The various inclusions of insects, moss, and plants are of great value among stone lovers. The hardness of this stone is quite small, varying from 2 to 2.5 on the Mohs scale. But this does not prevent people from loving it and wearing it in their jewelry.

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Amethyst is the most expensive type of quartz and is purple which makes identifying gemstones of this kind easier. It is said to be the stone of peace and sincere feelings; it heals the soul and soothes the nerves. People like this mineral for its rich lilac or purple color; jewelry with this stone looks very feminine and sensual. An important factor in its popularity is that it does not belong to the category of very expensive minerals, so its purchase is affordable to almost everyone. People are also attracted by its quite high hardness, which is 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale.


Ammolite is an extraordinarily interesting stone; it is the nacreous layer of the ancient marine mollusk ammonites, which inhabited the Earth about 300 million years ago. This makes it similar in physical properties to pearls, amber, coral, and mother-of-pearl. It is worth saying that it is now one of the rarest stones on the planet. Despite the rarity of the stone, it is still used in jewelry. Ammonites are quite brittle; their hardness is 4,5-5 units, which is why they are reinforced by a layer of resin, glass, or quartz when making jewelry.



Aquamarine is a stone of a delicate blue hue reminiscent of the sea. Some aquamarines are also bluish-green or turquoise, as well as clear blue aquamarines. The stone is not that rare and is found almost all over the world. The stone is valued for its transparency and color. Especially valuable are the stones with a star or "cat's eye" effect. It is also worth mentioning that aquamarine has a very good hardness of eight on the Mohs scale.


Blue topaz is a transparent mineral with a pearlescent hue. It has a high hardness of 8 out of 10. It is the hardest mineral in its class. Blue topaz is valued for its transparency and lack of inclusions. Nearly all topazes are heated so that the stone becomes richer and brighter. But such stones lose their value.



Iolite is a mineral with a rich shade of blue and purple. If you look at it from a different angle, it becomes duller and grayish-yellow. Pure crystals of iolite without any admixtures are found in nature very rarely. As a rule, they contain small inclusions of other minerals. The main treasure of rhyolite is its blueness. The richer it is, the more expensive the stone. The hardness of this mineral is from 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale.


Kyanite is a transparent stone in cool shades of blue, green, yellow, purple, or almost black. On some stones, the coloring may even change depending on the angle from which you look at them. The stone has a double hardness depending on the angle at which the pressure is applied. The vertical hardness ranges from 4.5 to 5.5, while the horizontal hardness ranges from 6 to 7 out of 10. The stone is popular because of its color, a blue like the more expensive sapphire.

Labradorite jewelry ideas

Fascinating Heirlooms with Labradorites

Labradorite jewelry with Floral and Sacred motifs



Labradorite is known primarily for its amazing effect - labradorescence - the glow that comes from within the stone. In addition to this glow effect, labradorite is loved for its blue-green color and high transparency. Labradorite can also have a gray, black, brown, or dark brown hue. The hardness of labradorite is estimated at 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. The stone gives its owner the ability to achieve the impossible and to make the most daring dreams come true.


The lapis lazuli mineral is known for its deep blue color with starry sky-like flecks. The color of a lapis lazuli varies from sky-blue to deep purple and depends on the number of sulfur anions present in the mineral. Sometimes, mined minerals contain gold or silver flecks of pyrite. Such specimens are very valuable and popular.



Moonstone is a mineral that received its name because of its unusual silvery-blue color. The stone is known for its metaphysical properties and amazing property - adularescence - shimmering in all colors of the rainbow inside the stone. The mineral is especially loved by women, as the stone is an energetically powerful stone with feminine energy.


It is a black opaque stone born in the very center of a volcano. It is formed as a result of the rapid cooling of magmatic rock. It is even called volcanic glass. Obsidian has an average hardness of 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale. People choose this stone because of its mysterious black color; the jewelry made with it looks severe and sophisticated.


Opal is a mineraloid close to quartz. The interesting thing about this stone is that it contains up to 10-20% water. The hardness of jewelry opal averages between 5.5 and 6.5 Mohs points. Many people choose this stone because of its bright, clear color and iridescent shimmer. Opals come in a variety of varieties, one of the most popular is the Ethiopian opal, which comes in orange, red, or yellow with iridescent shades of various hues. Equally popular and beloved is boulder opal, a type of opal that is attached to a natural host rock (ironstone).


Peridot is a light green stone, which is transparent and reminiscent of fresh grass or olives. This is why the peridot is so valuable. Peridot is also wonderful to look at in silver. Particularly often the peridot is used for jewelry with floral themes. It is worth mentioning that the hardness of this stone is 6.5 to 7, which is quite a good value.



Pearls are a delicate stone that appears in the waters of rivers and seas. This stone has been known for many thousands of years; it was valued in ancient times as well as nowadays. Pearls have a unique origin: a mollusk coats a foreign substance in its shell with nacre layer by layer, creating a real gem. Pearls have different colors: cream, pink, silver, white, dark gold, and even blue and black. This stone is quite fragile, its hardness ranging from 3 to 4 on the Mohs scale.


Tourmalines are some of the most popular and well-known minerals. Their popularity is due to the amazing variety of colors. It is possible to find tourmalines of almost any shade. People are also attracted to its transparency and brilliance. Pink tourmaline is the color of a deep or soft pink stone that is valued for its purity and luster.


Rose Quartz is a delicate pink-colored stone that can be either transparent or opaque. The richer and more transparent the stone, the higher its price will be. The hardness of the mineral is 7 on the Mohs scale. As a rule, rose quartz is chosen for its color and properties. It is said to be the stone that brings love and helps to open the heart chakra. Many people value it for these very qualities.


The sapphire is a gemstone of phenomenal hardness. Sapphires are usually blue in color but also come in all kinds of hues, including orange, green, yellow, colorless, and pink. Very popular are starry sapphires. Sapphires are valued for their richness of color and practically the highest hardness: 9 out of 10 on the scale. Sapphires are only slightly inferior to diamonds in hardness.

Sunstone Celestial ring Tiger's Eye ring


Sunstone is an orange stone with beautifully shimmering golden sparks. Because of its beautiful appearance, good hardness, and the possibility of a quality cut, the stone has earned a place among the famous stones. The hardness of the sunstone is 6-6,5 out of 10. This is an average value, which means it requires special care.


The tiger's eye stone is a variety of quartz that is golden brownish in color. It is opaque and has yellow stripes on the inside. Its ability to shimmer in the sunlight gives it an ethereal beauty. The hardness of the stone varies from 6.5 to 7. People believed that it contained the energy of the Sun and the Earth. It was also believed that tiger stone could bring its energy to materiality.

Kindly note that healing gemstone meanings are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

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